Sunday, November 6, 2011

Update: November 6, 2011

Now that it is November, the NDSEED project is beginning in earnest. The design is being started by the senior members of the team, and the process of grant-writing has begun. We know what are goals are for both, and it will be exciting to progress towards each.

The goal for the design is to have a preliminary design finished towards the end of this calendar year. Now that we have received the topographic survey from our B2P contact, we have all the information we need to address concerns specific to our site. Completing this in a timely manner is vital, because efforts must be started by those living in San Francisco prior to our arrival in order to succeed.

On the other side of our project is the issue of funding. Our current budget estimates that the entire project, accounting for the cost of travel, will cost between $25,000 and $30,000. This is quite a daunting total, as we have raised about 3,000 hard-fought dollars so far. However, we are currently in the process of renewing our partnership with several sponsors: the Center for Social Concerns (CSC), the Kellogg Institute, the Notre Dame Engineering Department, and the Civil Engineering Department. Through the generosity of those who know about our project, we are confident we will meet our goals.

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